Carolina Solution, Inc. offers the following services in our Rockhill, South Carolina location:
Medicaid Targeted Case Management
Medicaid Targeted Case Management (MTCM) includes services that may help you or a Medicaid-eligible individual gain access to doctors, social services, educational resources, jobs, and other services. You will be assessed on an ongoing basis, and options are provided that will meet your needs.
Target Populations
- Individuals with intellectual and related disabilities
- At-risk children
- Adults with serious and persistent mental illness
- At-risk pregnant women and infants
- Individuals with a psychoactive substance disorder
- Individuals at risk for genetic disorders
- Individuals with head and spinal cord Injuries and related disabilities
- Individuals with sensory impairments
- Adults with functional impairments

Freedom of Choice
If you get Medicaid, you decide if want the service(s), and you get to say yes or no to having an MTCM case manager, who can…
- figure out what services you need
- help you get needed services
- help you with problems
- provide ongoing support
Your decision will not affect your right to access other Medicaid services you qualify for. If you say yes, you pick the provider whom you would want to work with. You also have the right to change Medicaid Targeted Case Management providers at any time. SCDHHS must be contacted to assist in making this change, so please get in touch with us by any of the methods listed at right.
How can we help?
I need help…
- Seeing a doctor
- Getting disability (SSI, RSDI)
- Getting food
- Applying for food stamps
- Making appointments
- Getting a ride to see a doctor
- Doing what the doctor tells me to do
- Getting clothing
- Finding a place to live
- Paying bills
- Getting help with power bill
- Finding a job
- Stopping people from taking advantage of me
- Physically caring for myself
- With certain issues because I cannot hear or see
- Quitting a drug habit
- Making decisions
- Help with school work
- Learning to read
- Sadness, loss, and grief
- Making healthy food choices
- Other
Here for You
For inquiries and further assistance, contact our South Carolina office at 803-992-0499 or Schedule a Meeting today.